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Green by name and Green by nature, Green Car Depollution have taken even more steps on their carbon neutral journey,

by partnering with Climate trailblazers Ecologi.

Unlike other tree planting schemes, as well as planting a tree for every single sale, we are also funding a wide range of carbon offsetting projects, from generating electricity from landfill gas in Brazil to Wind power projects in Thailand



Who are Ecologi?

Ecologi was initially founded by a group of environmentalists in Bristol, UK. They were frustrated that many of us are not able to contribute enough to the colossal climate problem.

It started in late 2018, when Elliot was on his morning commute to work. He was buying a coffee just as he had done thousands of times before, and asked himself: How much climate action could I fund with the money for a coffee?

The answer led to a revelation – that the pocket change that billions of us have would not only be a significant upgrade to our own personal contributions to the crisis, but could also one day account for reducing half of the world’s emissions.

Together, Green Car Depollution, Ecologi & YOU are doing something to tackle this climate crisis collectively. Each tree planted takes a while to grow and have a measurable impact on the environment. This is why in the meantime, we will also help to fund carbon emission fighting projects that will have an impact immediately. You can see what we are currently funding, in our virtual forest. Click on each tree or project for more exciting info.

Like what you see? Then perhaps you might like to join in! In addition to the tree that we plant for your order, we would love it if you wanted to buy some trees for our virtual forest. This might be to offset the rest of your garden project, or just to help us make a difference. It's really easy to do and would mean the world to us. 

You might even like to sign up to Ecologi. This would earn us both the coveted 'sparkly trees'. 

Get involved >

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