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  • izzie81

CARS & MRE 2021 Stoneleigh Park

Han pasado 3 años desde el último CARS & MRE Show, pero ¡qué regreso y qué gran participación!

Nuestro impresionante stand de doble cara estaba repleto de productos nuevos e innovadores para mostrar al sector.

It was fantastic to catch up with lot's of old customers & friends, and we can't wait to start working with many of the new one's we met at the show! We had so much to catch up on with everybody, but also plenty of new things to show them...including the star of the show Engine Strip Down Bench as well as our new EV Recycling Range

We were proud to be collaborating with Recycling Lives at the show and they even showcased our equipment by allowing visitors to watch their ELV Depollution process using our best-selling All In One system.

We are sorry we missed some of you this year, but please do get in touch if you have any requirements at all: or 01684 298084

Pronto abriremos nuestra sala de exposición de descontaminación de coches ecológicos, para que pueda venir a ver el equipo y charlar con nosotros con más detalle. También tendremos las gafas de realidad virtual para que las pruebes. Esté atento a este espacio.

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